Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring Time Continued

Well "My Little Robin Mother" came back yesterday and continued to try to make a nest up on my back step. I believe though, that she has decided it is not the perfect location for her little family. What a feeling of disappointment has settled over me. She did come to the "Rafters" a couple of times yesterday but I think that either the space was too narrow or maybe there is just too much activity on my back step for her liking.

In my front garden the Daffodils are blooming profusely another sure sign of spring and the Tulips are budding. Some have already popped open and it is always a surprise as to what colour is going to show up where. There is a Japanese Maple in the middle of my front yard that is still rather young but beneath its branches are Daffodils and surprisingly some Grape Hyacinths. So we have a mass of yellows, purples and then a splattering of pink here and there. Pink is my favorite colour in everything. I love all shades of pink. So I guess I could say for me the first sure sign of spring is the arrival of that first Robin and my Pink Tulips in the garden.

Well Roscoe and I are off to see what else we can find out in the garden.

                                                                           "Good To Go"
                                                                           and of course,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Has Spring Arrived?

To some people the first sign of spring is the arrival of the Robins, to others it is the first colour of the Forsythia Bushes turning bright yellow. This morning when I let Roscoe out for his early morning prowl around the backyard I discovered there was quite a gathering of odd things on my back step. Little pieces of grass, twigs and nest like gatherings. I didn't think to much of it until later on in the morning, when I was at my kitchen sink rinsing out some dishes,  a movement in the rafters over my back step caught my eye. There she was. She seen me almost as soon as I seen her. She was gorgeous with her puffed up reddy brown chest. She was checking out my step to see if it would be an appropriate spot to bring her new little babies into the world. What a sense of delight I experienced. I was about to be proclaimed the new home for a Spring Robin and her babies, so I thought. As the morning progressed, I watched from my Kitchen window, as she tried to make a nest on a piece of board that was no wider then possibly 1 1/2".  Oh she looked from one spot between the rafters to another. She brought twigs, hay, and anything else she could get her beak onto, to that narrow little shelf. She would nestle her tummy onto the items, trying so hard to get them to stay in place but to no avail. She tried three different spots in those rafters this morning but so far nothing has stayed put. We will have to see if she comes back tomorrow and tries again. So for me, this was definitely a sign of Spring's arrival.
So until tomorrow, Roscoe and I are "Good To Go"